Invisible Octopus Poem:
“Here is a poem, a story, an animation, of a life triumphant under the weight of a debilitating illness M.E., of a woman whose words are her lifeline, an inspiration to others.” Dolores Ronayne, Poet.
‘Invisible Octopus’ poem started off as narration to a puppetry film during a mentoring opportunity with Dr. Emma Fisher, funded by Arts & Disability Ireland Connect Scheme 2019. The publication of the poem received the support of a Professional Development Artlinks Bursary 2020. The shadow puppetry imagery highlight further the stark reality of life with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E).
The ‘Invisible Octopus’ Poem (2.12 min) Read by Corina Duyn
This poem and the images in this short video were the bases for the Ribbon of Light exhibition with artist Anna Moore in October 2020. There is also a short video of my visit to the exhibition on the page.
The series of 12 prints, as well as Octopus Puppet and the video were included in the ‘I brought the dream of flying’ exhibition (14-1-23/ 11-2-23 at GOMA, supported by Waterford Healing Arts Trust, GOMA and Creative Waterford. The print series will also be included in ‘Creative Brain Week’ in Dublin 6-11 March 2023 at the Naughton Institute (Trinity College).
Dutch composer Jeroen Niesten/Luck Surus created an orchestral choral piece to the video poem. See-listen HERE
A slightly edited version of the poem is now published in the Anthology ‘Blij dat ik besta’, by Dutch Publisher Tobi Vroegh, July 2022
The poem has been translated into four languages. See my BLOG

- In 2019 I received a mentoring bursary from Arts & Disability Ireland to work with Dr. Emma Fisher. This ultimately lead to the poem’
- Arts & Invite me to write an article for their ‘Perspective’ series: “My Art and M.E.: The Demands of a Creative Mind”.
- A Podcast with Amy Amantea about my work: listen HERE
- View a podcast on Puppet Place Vimeo